
Find Train Tickets, Schedules and Amtrak Routes on Coteau

Coteau location address

Sign Post

Rue Daoust

Les CoteauxQuébec - J7X 1J7

All you need to know about Coteau

Find train tickets, fares, reviews and schedules for Coteau. Coteau provides amtrak train routes to Toronto, Quebec City, Dorval, Ottawa, Montréal, Laval, Truro, Kingston, Brockville, Percé

Québec - Stations


Type of Station

Sign Post


Outdoor parking.


Access to station.

Wheelchair lift.


Checked baggage service will not be offered.

Opening Hours

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Station opens 60 minutes prior to train arrival and remains open for 30 minutes after train departure.

This station will be closed permanently.

The ticket counter will be closed permanently. Ticket purchases will need to be made online or by phone.