Sudbury Jct

Find Train Tickets, Schedules and Amtrak Routes on Sudbury Jct

Sudbury Jct location address

Manned station

Lasalle Boulevard

SudburyOntario - P3A 4R7

All you need to know about Sudbury Jct

Find train tickets, fares, reviews and schedules for Sudbury Jct. Sudbury Jct provides amtrak train routes to

Ontario - Stations


Type of Station

Manned station


Long term, free

At owner's risk.


Access to station, washroom and trains. Also available, wheelchair and wheelchair lift.


Bicycle box

Car rental



Public transportation

Greyhound Bus (intercity) 705 524-9900

Sudbury Transit 705 675-3333

Handicapped 705 670-2300

Opening Hours

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Station closed on Monday.


Tuesday Thursday Saturday 00h01 to 04h30

Wednesday Friday Sunday 04h30 to 08h30

General remarks

Car rental approx. 2 km from station. Budget: 800-268-8900, Discount:800-263-2355, Entreprise: 800-325-8007, Hertz: 800-263-0600, National: 800-268-7133 at airport approx. 40 min. from station. Avis: 800-879-2847.

Indication on the stop sign

There are no ticket sales on site, however you can obtain e-tickets by booking online or calling 1 888 VIA RAIL (842-7245)

Checked baggage service offered.