
Find Train Tickets, Schedules and Amtrak Routes on Guildwood

Guildwood location address

Unstaffed station

Westlake Road

TorontoOntario - M1E 1N7

All you need to know about Guildwood

Find train tickets, fares, reviews and schedules for Guildwood. Guildwood provides amtrak train routes to

Ontario - Stations


Type of Station

Unstaffed station


Shared with GO TRANSIT, limited space, free, short and long term.


Access to station and trains.

For Wheelchair lift requests, a 48 hour notice is required.  Advance arrangements required, call 1-888-VIA-RAIL.


Checked baggage service is not offered.


Elevator for the handicapped




Public transportation

City transit 416-393-4636 T.T.C.

Handicapped 416-393-4111 TTC Wheel trans

Airports (TRTO) 905-564-6333 20KM. Pacific Western Intercity 416-869-3200

Hearing-impaired 800-387-3652

(TRTO) Bus terminal 416-393-7911

Greyhound 416-367-8747

Taxi Amble 416 292-1212

Opening Hours

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Station opens 60 minutes prior to train arrival and remains open for 30 minutes after train departure.

The ticket counter is replaced by a self-service kiosk. Ticket purchases will need to be made at this kiosk, online or by phone.

E-boarding pass can be printed using the self-service kiosk inside the station.


From Monday to Friday 05h25 to 00h45

Saturday and Sunday 06h55 to 21h50

General remarks

Please note that the station is closed by the time train 659 arrives during the weekends.