
Find Train Tickets, Schedules and Amtrak Routes on Watrous

Watrous location address

Sign Post

3rd Avenue West

WatrousSaskatchewan - S0K 4T0

All you need to know about Watrous

Find train tickets, fares, reviews and schedules for Watrous. Watrous provides amtrak train routes to Winnipeg, Edmonton, Melville, Jasper, Vancouver

Prairies and Northern Manitoba - Stations


Type of Station

Sign Post


Parking available.


No wheelchair access.


Le voyageur doit porter lui-même ses bagages au fourgon.

Opening Hours

Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7)

Indication on the stop sign

For a stop at this station, reservations are required no later than:

Train 1: 11:00 the same day

Train 2: 07:45 the same day