The cheapest trains from Prince George to Longworth




The best way to find a cheap fare is to book your ticket as far in advance as you can and to avoid traveling at rush hour. The average ticket from Prince George to Longworth will cost around $20 if you buy it on the day, but the cheapest tickets can be found for only $20.

The fastest trains from Prince George to Longworth


1h 44m


1h 44m

Trips per day



These direct trains cover the 85km distance in an average of 1h 44m but if you time it right, some trains will get you there in just 1h 44m
Journey Summary

Journey Summary

Prince George to Longworth train information

timelapseAvg. Train duration1h 44m
attach_moneyTrain ticket price$20
place Train depart fromPrince George
pin_drop Train arrive inLongworth
directions_transit Train companiesVia Rail

Travel tips

Train from Prince George to Longworth

Travel by train to Longworth easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Prince George to Longworth.
  • How much cost tickets to Longworth?

  • Amtrak tickets to Longworth costs between $20 and CAD 20.00 each seat.

    This $20 train leaves at 08:15 from Prince George train station at PRINCE GEORGE.

    On the contrary, the train leaving at 08:15 have the most expensive ticket to Longworth for about CAD 20.00.

    During holidays and peak seasons fares are generally higher.

  • How far apart is Longworth from Prince George?

  • The train traveling average length from Prince George to Longworth is around 1h 44m.

    Getting Amtrak fastest train from Prince George, you probably arrive in about 1h 44m in Longworth.

    Amtrak does not normally guarantee connections of less than 60 minutes.

    Usually 90 minutes between arriving long-distance trains and local trains in the Northeast Corridor.

  • Can I bring my pet on the train?

  • Sure! But there are several rules you have to comply with and be aware of, so your beloved pet will be able to come with you.

    - Dogs and cats up to 20 pounds

    - You need to make a prior reservation. There's a maximum of five pets per train, and they're limited to one pet per customer.

    - The trip is limited to 7 (seven) hours of total travel time. Multi-ride tickets aren’t allowed.

    - The pet carrier you bring can be hard or soft-sided but has to be leakproof and well ventilated for comfort and safety. Maximum weight: 20 pounds. Maximum size: 19" long x 14" wide x 10.5" high.

    - Also, the carrier has to be big enough so the pet is able to sit, lie down and remain entirely inside without touching the sides.

    - Is allowed in Coach class, but not in First class, non-Acela Business class, bedroom accommodations, or food service cars.

    - It’s mandatory to sign a Pet Release and Indemnification Agreement for each travel segment.

    - It must be at least eight weeks old, odorless, harmless, not disruptive, and require no attention during travel.

    - It’s not permitted to ship it or allow them to travel as checked baggage.
  • Can you buy an Amtrak ticket onboard the train?

  • There are two options for purchasing tickets during the trip, is using cash or credit card.

    All tickets purchased onboard include a service fee built into the fare and payment must be in cash. Who chose to purchase using a credit card must call the contact center at 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) to complete their payment.

    But stay aware that is used in limited situations. For example, when you pay for your tickets in advance of travel and your departure station is closed at the time of departure and no other delivery option exists.

  • How to get ticket refund on Amtrak?

  • Note that Amtrak have different policies regarding fare types and changes. Find more information on Amtrak page.

  • Where are located Prince George and Longworth train stations?

  • For this trip to Longworth, you can get on board at PRINCE GEORGE.

    Moreover, get off the train at LONGWORTH.

    Most Amtrak stations in major cities, and many other stations across the country, are accessible to passengers with a disability.

    Call 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information regarding the accessibility of the stations on your itinerary.

  • When is the first and last train departing from Prince George on 2024-05-18?

  • The first train time to Longworth is at 08:15.

    The last departure time from Prince George is at 08:15.

  • How easy is to get by train to Longworth from Prince George?

  • On average you find 1 daily Amtrak Prince George to Longworth schedules.

    Usually, there are 7 train departures every week on this route.

    Amtrak operates a large fleet to Longworth.

    It is an average of 1 departures per day and 30 trips every month.

  • How to get cheap Amtrak train tickets from Prince George to Longworth?

  • Amtrak offer a total of 1 train schedules to Longworth.

    Compare all available fares that vary according to comfort, ticket promotions, and availability.

    Take time and check customers 341 Amtrak reviews for train services.

    Users reviews always best describe the real train trip experience.The company score relates to quality, punctuality, cleanliness, and staff behavior. Ratings and reviews are relevant information when searching and comparing ticket prices for this destination.

    Keep in mind that in all train departure times from Prince George have different ticket prices based on fare options.

    What is shown on the list is the cheapest fare type still available if Saver, Value, Flexible or Premium.

    On this trip, tickets are available starting on $20 and this is the lower trip price you can get on 2024-05-18.

    Book your train tickets 14 days in advance with Saver Fares for 20% discount.

    On searching for Longworth cheap tickets it may apply. In many routes across the country this is the best method to get trip discounts.

  • TrainBuster displayed travel information

  • TrainBuster has all information for you discover the best and cheapest train ticket. Explore all available tools and 341 user reviews to best choose your transportation. TrainBuster does not sell tickets. If you want to purchase train tickets online, this site will redirect you to the official Amtrak website. Reserve your train seat to Longworth in advance and have a nice trip.
  • Can I get a bus from Prince George to Longworth instead of a train?

  • Click here to check on the bus prices for this trip. Going by bus, sometimes, can be the cheapest way to travel between Prince George and Longworth.

  • Which is the best way for train booking?

  • There are many different secure forms of acquiring a ticket. The more comfortable, secure and faster way is to get your eTicket online at Amtrak website. Alternatively, you can book at a Quik-Trak Kiosk or directly at the counter. Via Rail phone number: 1 888 842-7245 Find out more on search and buy cheap train tickets in North America.

Prince George, BC

Train tickets to Prince George

Save time and get going by booking online your train tickets to Prince George. Compare prices, train types & schedules to buy the best ticket today.

Longworth, BC

Train tickets to Longworth

Save time and get going by booking online your train tickets to Longworth. Compare prices, train types & schedules to buy the best ticket today.